Daniel Spaite, M.D.
Dr. Daniel Spaite is a medical professor specializing in emergency medicine at the College of Medicine, University of Arizona, as well as the director of the Emergency Department at the school's trauma center. Dr. Daniel Spaite is well acquainted with both the personal and professional challenges of being a pastor. As the son of a minister, he has experienced the commitment and challenge that full-time ministry demands. And as a medical doctor specializing in emergency medicine, he understands the physical, mental and emotional results of a high stress situation. During his years of medical practice, Dr. Spaite has kept abreast of current research related to stress, overwork, and exhaustionespecially as they impact the development of disease. His studies have led to a remarkable discovery of convergence between scientific and biblical truth in the matters of physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Listing of All Products by Daniel Spaite, M.D.
Results 1-2 of 2
1. Bomba de Tiempo en la Iglesia Por: Debbie Salter Goodwin, Daniel Spaite, M.D. 9781563445859 Price: $9.99
2. Time Bomb in the Church: Defusing Pastoral Burnout By: Debbie Salter Goodwin, Daniel Spaite, M.D. Book 9780834123205 Price: $14.99